Project Presentation:

We first presented to don’s parents, and bailey helped presenting technical parts of the project.

CS Project: College Admission Score


The first project I went to see was this group’s website, which was fastpages that had one page of rating what chance you had to get into college. I even tried it out, adding my grades and amount of extracurriculars. I got a really low score though, and I had to reload the page to even see the score. Overall, it was an interesting and humorous project.

Art Exploration

After finishing our CS presentation, my friends and I went exploring around the school. The first thing we found was the digital art projects:

digital art

Then, we went to ceramics to check out their projects.


I checked out my friend’s pottery, which had a really interesting octopus mug.

Finally, we checked out the AP studio art.

ap studio art

They had some really cool black and white drawings, and the photography collage section was really interesting too.

back to cs

At last, we went back to CS and checked out people’s other projects.


We checked out Rohan’s statistics project, which had some interesting characteristics of being able to store data. The data could be displayed in box plots and scatter plots, very cool.

That concludes our experience!!!