APCSA Week 1 Learning Log
Week 1 of APCSA log.
Weekly Activities
This week in CSA, I reviewed concepts of bash as well as commands in bash that could help check versions and the installation of tools. I also refreshed my knowledge of the conditional statement in bash, like if statements, overall helping me review programming logic.
In addition to bash, I also learned basic Java syntax and programming through code.org. A class in java is like a template for objects, and there are objects that are created from the class. These objects can have methods (that execute code), and attributes.
This java learning was further enhanced by learning about primitive data types, and I did extra research on the wrapper classes as well. I then made a program to convert between SI units, using these primitive data types as well as utilizing the methods in OOP.
Plans for the Future of This Class
As we will be learning the 10 collegeboard units, I will capture this information by making a post for each, organizing them by the number as well as tagging them. I will put their links as I go along into the notes section of the website, so I don’t lose track.
I will also blog my weekly adventures in this class as to better remember the course material I have reviewed. For example, this blog itself is helping to consolidate my knowledge of java and bash already.
Finally, I will tag all posts with the appropriate learning, with the collegeboard units once we start or the PBL learning.